Chapter 5 Duplication and Audio DubbingChapter 5 Duplication and Audio Dubbing 73 (GB)41STOP/CAUTIONNo.Warning Message Cause/RemedyZ The recorder (this unit) detected self-diagnostics. tFor details on self-diagnostics, see page 100 (GB).42 %Z Moisture condensation has occurred in the recorder (this unit). t If a cassette isin the unit, remove the cassette and power on and wait more than one hour.43 RECORDER:HEAD CLOGThe recorder’s (this unit) video heads are clogged. t Clean the video heads withthe supplied cleaning cassette(see page 98 (GB)).44 PLAYER:COPYRIGHT PROTECTEDA copyright protected signal is recorded on the cassette in the player. t Youcannot copy a copyright protected signal.50RECORDER:SMALLER CM SIZEThe cassette memory in the recorder (this unit) is smaller than the cassettememory on the source tape. t Use a cassette that has larger cassette memorythan the one on the source tape. (This error is displayed only when the duplicatemode has been set to AUTOq .)51 b) c)RECORDER:SHORTER TAPEThe player’s cassette tape length is longer than that of the recorder’s (this unit)cassette and duplication has failed. t Use a cassette with a tape length that islonger than the one in the player.60 b) c)RECORDER:SHORTER TAPEThe player’s cassette tape length is longer than that of the recorder’s (this unit)cassette and there is a possibility that the duplication may fail. t Use a cassettewith a tape length that is longer than the one in the player. (This message isdisplayed as a caution for 10 seconds after the start of duplication.)a) If the player could not read the cassette memory whenduplication started, this unit determines that the player’scassette does not have cassette memory and duplicationof the cassette memory will be cancelled. The duplicateoperation will be completed without duplicating thecassette memory and this warning message will not bedisplayed.b) This unit detects tape length from the cassette memorydata. Even if two tapes with the same length in theDVCAM format have been inserted in the player and therecorder (this unit), complete duplication may not bedone due to the tape length error and this warning maynot be displayed. As a result, if you search the cassettememory in the duplicated tape, the tape may not have asearch point even though the cassette memory has thesearch point data.c) If the cassette in the player does not have cassettememory, this warning is not displayed.NoteIf any warning message not listed in the table isdisplayed, consult your Sony dealer.