6-113DNW-A100/A50/A45DNW-A100P/A50P/A45P8. TBC Y/C Delay AdjustmentnPerform this adjustment without using the extension board.Measuring equipments: Component waveform monitor(1) Turn off the power of DNW, then wait for 30 seconds.(2) Disconnect the extension harness from TBC-23 board and TBC-24 board.(3) Remove the TBC-24 board from the extension board, then pull out the extension board.(4) Insert the TBC-24 board to DNW.(5) Connect originally harness to CN1 on TBC-24 board and CN1 on TBC-23 board.(6) Turn on the power.(7) Set the component waveform monitor to BOWTIE mode.METAL adjustment [to step (10)](8) Playback the bowtie signal portion (17:00 to 19:00) of the alignment tape CR5-1B or CR5-1B PS.(DNW-A100/A50/A45: CR5-1B, DNW-A100P/A50P/A45P: CR5-1B PS)(9) Adjust the deviations A and B between each center marker and bowtie dip point of CH-1/CH-2 (Y/B-Y) and CH-1/CH-3 (Y/R-Y).Adjustment points: Field 1: 1RV500/TBC-24(B-1)Field 2: 1RV504/TBC-24(C-1)Specifications: A = 0 ± 10 nsB = 0 ± 10 nsnRV504 is not equipped on the TBC-24 board of board number suffixes 11 and 12.Therefore, adjust RV500 only.(10) Eject the alignment tape CR5-1B/CR5-1B PS.6-8. TBC-24 Board ReplacementCH-1/CH-2 CH-1/CH-3Center markersA BRV500 and RV504 on TBC-24 BoardRV201 RV200RV500RV501 RV300 RV101RV201RV500RV501 RV300 RV101RV504TBC-24 board (suffix-11 and 12)TBC-24 board (suffix-13 and higher)