Axis couplings9.6 Master/slave group (MASLDEF, MASLDEL, MASLON, MASLOF, MASLOFS)Job planningProgramming Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5398-2BP40-1BA0 5559.6 Master/slave group (MASLDEF, MASLDEL, MASLON, MASLOF,MASLOFS)FunctionThe master/slave coupling in SW 6.4 and lower permitted coupling of the slave axes to theirmaster axis only while the axes involved are stopped.Extension of SW 6.5 permits coupling and uncoupling of rotating, speed-controlled spindlesand dynamic configuration.SyntaxSignificanceGeneralDynamic configuration extensionMASLON(Slv1,Slv2,..., )MASLOF(Slv1,Slv2,..., )MASLDEF(Slv1,Slv2,..., master axis) Extension for dynamic configurationMASLDEL(Slv1,Slv2,..., ) Extension for dynamic configuringextensionMASLOFS(Slv1, Slv2, ..., ) Extension for slave spindleNoteFor MASLOF/MASLOFS, the implicit preprocessing stop is not required. Because of themissing preprocessing stop, the $P system variables for the slave axes do not provideupdated values until next programming.MASLON Close (switch-in) a temporary coupling.MASLOF Open an active coupling. The extensions for spindles must beobserved.MASLDEF Coupling user-defined using machine data or also create/changefrom the part program.MASLOFS Open the coupling analog to MASLOF and automatically brakethe slave spindle.MASLDEL Uncouple master/slave axis group and delete group definition.Slv1, Slv2, ... Slave axes led by a master axis.Master axis Axis, that controls defined slave axes in a master/slave group.