Tool offsets7.5 Activate 3D tool offsets (CUT3DC..., CUT3DF...)Job planning434 Programming Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5398-2BP40-1BA03D radius compensation with CUT3DCC, contour on the machining surfaceIf CUT3DCC is active with a torus milling tool, the programmed path refers to a fictitiouscylindrical milling tool having the same diameter. The resulting path reference point is shownin the following diagram for a torus milling tool.The angle between the machining and limitation surfaces may change from an acute to anobtuse angle and vice versa even within the same block.The tool actually being used may either be larger or smaller than the standard tool. However,the resulting corner radius must not be negative and the sign of the resulting tool radius mustbe kept.For CUT3DCC, the NC part program refers to contour on the machining surface. As forconventional tool radius compensation, the total tool radius is used that comprises the sum of:• Tool radius (tool parameter $TC_DP6)• Wear value (tool parameter $TC_DP15)• and a tool offset OFFN programmed to calculate the perpendicular offset to the limitationsurface.The position of the limitation surface is determined from the difference between these twovalues:• Dimensions of the standard tool• Tool radius (tool parameter $TC_DP6)3DWKUHIHUHQFHSRLQW/LPLWLQJVXUIDFH0DFKLQLQJVXUIDFH 5