Tool offsets7.5 Activate 3D tool offsets (CUT3DC..., CUT3DF...)Job planningProgramming Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5398-2BP40-1BA0 4257.5.3 3D tool offset Tool shapes and tool data for face millingMill shapes, tool dataAn overview of the tool shapes, which may be used for face milling operations and tool datalimit values are listed in the following. The shape of the tool shaft is not taken into account.The effect of tool types 120 and 156 is identical.If, in the NC program, a type number is specified that differs from that in the diagram, then thesystem automatically uses tool type 110 (cylindrical die-sinking milling tool). An alarm isoutput if the tool data limit values are violated.Cutter type Type No. R r aCylindrical die-sinking milling cutter 110 > 0 - -Ball end mill 111 > 0 > R -End mill, angle head cutter 120, 130 > 0 - -End mill, angle head cutter with cornerrounding121, 131 > r > 0 -Bevel cutter 155 > 0 - > 0Bevel cutter with corner rounding 156 > 0 > 0 > 0Tapered die-sinking cutter 157 > 0 - > 0R = shaft radius (tool radius)r = corner radiusa = angle between the tool longitudinal axis and upper end of the torus surface- = is not evaluated&\OLQGULFDOGLHVLQNLQJPLOOLQJFXWWHUW\SH%DOOHQGPLOOW\SH(QGPLOOW\SH(QGPLOOZLWKFRUQHUURXQGLQJW\SH%HYHOFXWWHUW\SH%HYHOFXWWHUZLWKFRUQHUURXQGLQJW\SH7DSHUHGGLHVLQNLQJFXWWHUW\SHD5UD5D5U55U55