Transformations6.2 Three, four and five axis transformation (TRAORI)Job planning334 Programming Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5398-2BP40-1BA06.2.3 Variants of orientation programming and initial setting (ORIRESET)Orientation programming of tool orientation with TRAORIIn conjunction with a programmable TRAORI orientation transformation, in addition to thelinear axes X, Y, Z, the axis identifiers A.., B..., C... can also be used to program axispositions or virtual axes with angles or vector components. Various types of interpolation arepossible for orientation and machine axes. Regardless of which PO[angle] orientationpolynomials and PO[axis] axis polynomials are currently active, a number of different types ofpolynomial can be programmed. These include G1, G2, G3, CIP or POLY.Changes in tool orientation can even be programmed using orientation vectors in somecases. In such cases, the ultimate orientation of each block can be set either by means ofdirect programming of the vector or by programming the rotary axis positions.Initial tool orientation setting ORIRESETBy programming ORIRESET (A, B, C), the orientation axes are moved in linear andsynchronous motion from their current position to the specified initial setting position.If an initial setting position is not programmed for an axis, a defined position from theassociated machine data $MC_TRAFO5_ROT_AX_OFFSET_1/2 is used. Any active framesof round axles which may be present are ignored.NoteVariants of orientation programming for three- to five-axis transformationIn respect of three- to five-axis transformation, the following variants:1. A, B, C direct entry of machine axis positions2. A2, B2, C2 angular programming of virtual axes using Euler angle or RPY angle3. A3 ,B3, C3 entry of vector components4. LEAD, TILT entry of lead and tilt angles relative to the path and surface5. A4, B4, C4 and A5, B5, C5 surface normal vector at start of block and end of block6. A6, B6, C6 and A7, B7, C7 interpolation of orientation vector on a peripheral surface of ataper7. A8, B8, C8 reorientation of tool, direction and path length of retracting movementare mutually exclusive.If an attempt is made to program mixed values, alarm messages are output.NoteOnly if an orientation transformation is active with TRAORI(...), can an initial setting for thetool orientation regardless of kinematics be programmed without alarm 14101 usingORIRESET(...).