10.034.14 Service functions4-164 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reservedSINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 EditionIf the force controller (force limitation or friction injection) has been activated inMD 5241, the effective force setpoint is displayed here. This can be specifiedby: the force limitation (MD 5230 or 5231) the friction injection (MD 5234 or MD 5235) the NC via the “Travel to fixed stop” functionIt must be noted that the force controller is activated only in conjunction withfriction injection and zero speed or with force limitation and violation of the upperforce limit. The voltage setpoint of the velocity controller is otherwise applied, inwhich case the force setpoint is irrelevant.5797 PBL_VERSION Cross reference: -Data version Related to:HLAProtection level:3/3Unit:-Default:0Minimum:0Maximum:FFFFData type:UNS.WORDActive:ImmediatelyOutput of current data version (machine data list).5798 FIRMWARE_DATE Cross reference: -Firmware date Related to:HLAProtection level:3/3Unit:-Default:0Minimum:0Maximum:FFFFData type:UNS.WORDActive:ImmediatelyOutput of coded software release. The display is decimal. The character stringhas the following format:DDMMY, in which DD stands for day, MM for month and Y = last digit of year.Example: The code for 01.06.1993 is 1063dec5799 FIRMWARE_VERSION Cross reference: -Firmware version Related to:HLAProtection level:Unit:-Default:0Minimum:0Maximum:FFFFFFData type:UNS.DWORDActive:Read-onlyOutput of current software release. The display is decimal, e.g. 21000. This isthe code for SW version 2.10/00.Software version4 Firmware Drive Functions