10.034.12 Terminals4-150 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reservedSINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital, HLA Module (FBHLA) - 10.03 EditionOperating sequence for PD (power disable): 24 V supply for shut-off valve is disconnected immediately (shut-off valvecloses). If MD 5530 bit 4=0 is set, the 24 V supply for the servo solenoid valve is alsoswitched off when the manipulated variable enable delay (MD 5531) runsdown (servo solenoid valve moves to fail-safe position).If MD 5530 bit 4=1 is set, the 24 V supply for the servo solenoid valve re-mains connected. If MD 5530 bit 0=0 is set (no shut-off valve), then the 24 V supply for theservo solenoid valve is switched off immediately (servo solenoid valvemoves to fail-safe position). Velocity controller enable status bit is reset immediately.- Valve setpoint=0 V is output- Controller I-components are cleared.- Valve spool monitoring is deactivated If a central shut-off valve is installed, it is left to the user to gate the signals(e.g. using the PLC) such that the central shut-off valve is actuated when thepower is disabled.To prevent errors on other axes, it should be ensured that all axes whosepressure is supplied via the central shut-off valve also receive the powerdisable command when the central shut-off valve is actuated. If a separate shut-off valve (axis-specific shut-off valve) is installed foreach axis, this need only be connected to the “shut-off valve” relay output ofthe relevant axis.After the power has been disabled, the switch for the 24 V supply is eitheropened or not (depending on the setting of bit 4 in MD 5530) at the end of themanipulated variable enable delay. The default setting has been selected suchthat the 24 V valve supply voltage is disconnected (bit 4 =0), thus moving thevalve into the fail-safe position.This will not be necessary if a shut-off valve is installed and actuated. This func-tion has been integrated for cases where a shut-off valve has been set, but isnot actually connected. In such cases, this function prevents the drive from be-ing able to drift after a power disable. After a function test, bit 4 in MD 5530 canbe set to 1.A velocity controller enable/disable can be requested via the following paths: Terminal 64 (central velocity controller enable) Control word (from NC) Error (ZK1)If a velocity controller enable is requested and all the relevant enable conditionsare fulfilled, i.e. manipulated variable enable delay run down, 24 V supply for shut-off and SS valves ON, power enable signal set and No errorthen the “Velocity controller enable” status bit is set.Velocity controllerenable4 Firmware Drive Functions 02.99