Detailed Description2.2 Dimensional information for transverse axesBasic logic functions: Transverse axes (P1)Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0 92.2 Dimensional information for transverse axesTransverse axes can be programed with respect to both diameter and radius. Generally,they are diameter-related, i.e. programmed with doubled path dimension so that thecorresponding dimensional information can be transferred to the part program directly fromthe technical drawings.;: ' '0=7UDQVYHUVHD[LV/RQJLWXGLQDOD[LVFigure 2-2 Transverse axis with diameter information (D1, D2)Switching the diameter programming on/offChannel-specific diameter programmingThe activating or deactivating of the diameter programming is done via the modally activeparts program statements of the G group 29:• DIAMON: Diameter programming ON• DIAMOF: Diameter programming OFF, in other words, radius programming ON• DIAM90: Diameter or radius programming depending on the reference mode:– Diameter programming ON in connection with absolute dimensioning G90– Radius programming ON in connection with incremental dimensioning G91• DIAMCYCOF: Radius programming for G90 and G91 ON , for the HMI, the last active Gcode of this group remains activeReference is made exclusively to the transverse axis of the channel.Axis-specific diameter programming for several transverse axes in one channelNoteThe additionally specified axis must be activated via MD30460$MA_BASE_FUNCTION_MASK with bit2=1.The axis specified must be a known axis in the channel. Geometry, channel or machine axesare permitted.Programming is not permitted in synchronized actions.