Detailed description2.12 Block searchBasic logic functions: Auxiliary Function Output to PLC (H2)46 Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA02.12 Block search2.12.1 Behavior on block search with calculationFunctionBlock searches with calculation collect up auxiliary functions on a groupspecific basis. Thelast auxiliary function in each auxiliary function group is output after NC-START, before theactual reentry block, in a separate part program block that has the following output behavior:• Output duration one OB1 cycle (normal acknowledgment)• Output prior to motionOutput controlWhether or not the corresponding auxiliary function is output to the PLC after a block searchcan be configured via bit 8 of the machine data:MD22080 $MC_AUXFU_PREDEF_SPEC[index] (output specification)MD22035 $MC_AUXFU_ASSIGN_SPEC[index] (output specification)MD11110 $MN_AUXFU_GROUP_SPEC[index] (auxiliary function group specification)This behavior does not affect the display and does not affect variables$AC_AUXFU_M_STATE[n], $AC_AUXFU_M_VALUE[n], and $AC_AUXFU_M_EXT[n]. Theauxiliary function is always regarded as collected after a block search, even though it is notoutput to the PLC. An auxiliary function that is not output after a block search also overwritesan auxiliary function whose Bit 8 is not set during collection. The user can scan the collectedauxiliary functions after a block search and, under certain circumstances, output them againby means of the subprogram or synchronous actions.Auxiliary function without auxiliary function groupAuxiliary functions that are not assigned to an auxiliary function group are not collected up.Auxiliary functions of auxiliary function group 1Auxiliary functions of auxiliary function group 1 are never collected up.Overstorage of auxiliary functionsAfter completion of a block search, the collected auxiliary functions are ouput on the nextNC-START. If it is necessary to output additional auxiliary functions, they can be added viathe "overstore" function. See Section: Response to overstore.