Detailed description2.12 Block descriptionsBasic logic functions: PLC basic program solution line (P3 sl)200 Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0ExampleFUNCTION FC 12: VOID //Event control of auxiliary functionsVAR_INPUTChan: BYTE ; //Parameter is supplied by basic programEND_VARVAR_TEMPChanDB: INT ;END_VARBEGINL Chan; //Channel index no., (0,1,2,..)+ 21; //Channel DB offsetT ChanDB; //Save channel DB no.TO DB[ChanDB]; //Channel DB is opened indirectly// Auxiliary-function change signals are now scanned, etc.BE;END_FUNCTION2.12.19 FC 13: BHGDisp Display control for handheld unitDescription of FunctionsThis block carries out the display control of the handheld unit (HHU). The information to beoutput on the display is stored as 32 characters in string data ChrArray. A fixed textassignment of 32 characters is, therefore, required for this string when the data block iscreated. Variable components within this string can be inserted by means of the optionalnumerical converter, For the numeric converter the parameter "Convert" must be set toTRUE. The variable to be displayed is referenced via the pointer Addr. Parameter"DataType" contains the format description of this parameter (see parameter table). Thenumber of bytes of the variable is linked to the format description. The address justified tothe right within the string is specified by parameter "StringAddr". The number of writtencharacters is shown in the parameter table. By setting parameter Row to 0, it is possible tosuppress the display (e.g., if several variables in one or several PLC cycles need to beentered in the string without any display output).SignalsByte 1 is supplied by the output signals of the HHU and the character specifications aresupplied by the block. These may not be written by the PLC user program.