Detailed description2.6 Interface structureBasic logic functions: PLC basic program solution line (P3 sl)Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-0BP10-2BA0 37PLC/axis, spindle, drive signalsThe axis-specific and spindle-specific signals are divided into the following groups:• Shared axis/spindle signals• Axis signals• Spindle signals• Drive signalsThe signals are transmitted cyclically at the start of OB1 with the following exceptions:Exceptions include:• Axial F value• M value• S valueAn axial F value is entered via the M, S, F distributor of the basic program if it is transferredto the PLC during the NC machining process.The M and S value are also entered via the M, S, F distributor of the basic program if one orboth values require processing.%\WHV'%1&.6WDWXVVLJQDOV*ULQGLQJ7HFKQRORJ\&RQWUROVLJQDOV5HVHUYH YDOXHVRI06DQG)GLVWULEXWRUVRIEDVLFSURJUDP$[LVVSLQGOHGULYH6WDWXVVLJQDOV06YDOXH6WDWXVVLJQDOV6HWJHDUVWHS$[LDO)YDOXH6WDWXVVLJQDOV$FWLYH,1&PRGH6WDWXVVLJQDOV'ULYHVLJQDOV6SLQGOHVLJQDOV$[LVVLJQDOV6KDUHGD[LVVSLQGOHVLJQDOV*ULQGLQJ7HFKQRORJ\&RQWUROVLJQDOV'ULYHVLJQDOV$[LVVLJQDOV /LPLWVZLWFKHV&RQWUROVLJQDOV6SLQGOHVLJQDOV6KDUHGD[LVVSLQGOHVLJQDOV7UDYHUVHVLJQDOV&RQWUROVLJQDOV)HHGUDWHVSLQGOHRYHUULGHFigure 2-8 Interface between PLC and axes/spindles/drives