Programming1. Programming the Cartesian positionThe position of the 7th axis must be programmed in the workpiece coordination system inaddition to the Cartesian position. The Cartesian position is thus programmed in relationto the constant workpiece. The 7-axis transformation converts the WCS position via therotation of the 7th axis in the basic coordinate system. Possibly programmed or set framesare normally settled before the 7-axis transformation.2. Programming of orientationAll programming options of the generic 5-/6-axis transformation are available whileprogramming the orientation. The 7th axis must always be programmed additionally.Two different response types can be set in this context via the G code.– The position of the 7th axis does not influence the programmed orientation.– The programmed end-orientation is rotated with the 7th axis.Orientation1. Orientation with axis interpolationIf the 7th axis should have no influence on the programmed orientation, the G codes ofGroups 25 and 51 must be set accordingly:G code group 25: ORIMKSG code group 51: ORIAXES (if MD21104 $MC_ORI_IPO_WITH_G_CODE = 1 is set).The programmed positions of the rotary axes are not changed by the position of the 7thaxis in this case, but approached directly. The orientation is programmed in relation to themachine.ExampleProgram codeTRAORI(1)ORIAXESORIMKSG1 X500 Y300 Z800 C15 A5 C1=10 E1=1201. Orientation and large circle interpolationIf traversing is to be done with large radius circular interpolation, the end orientation isrotated with the 7th axis.G code group 25: ORIWKSG code group 51: ORIVECT (if MD21104 $MC_ORI_IPO_WITH_G_CODE = 1 is set).In this case the orientation must be programmed in relation to the workpiece. Theprogrammed orientation is thus related to the fixed workpiece. The position of the 7th axisis thus not contained in the programmed orientation.ExampleProgram codeTRAORI(1)ORIVECTORIWKSG1 X500 Y800 Z100 A3=0 B3=1 C3=0 AN3=0 BN3=0 CN3=–1 E1=–90F2: Multi-axis transformations2.7 Generic 5-axis transformation and variantsSpecial functionsFunction Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-2BP40-5BA2 79