The shaft characteristics are not taken into account on any of the tool types. For this reason,the two tool types 120 (end mill) and 155 (bevel cutter), for example, have an identicalmachining action since only the section at the tool tip is taken into account. The only differencebetween these tools is that the tool shape is represented differently (dimensions).GDGDUUGGUGG 7\SH%HYHOFXWWHU 7\SHFRUQHUURXQGLQJ%HYHOFXWWHUZLWK 7\SHFRUQHUURXQGLQJ(QGPLOOZLWK7\SH(QGPLOO 7\SH7DSHUHGGLHVLQNLQJFXWWHU 7\SH&\OLQGUGLHVLQNLQJFXWWHUFigure 23-14 Tool types for face millingThe tool data are stored under the following tool parameter numbers:Table 23-2 Tool parameter numbers for tool dataTool data Geometry Weard $TC_DP6 $TC_DP15r $TC_DP7 $TC_DP16a $TC_DP11 $TC_DP20NoteThe geometry and wear values of a tool data are added.The reference point for tool length compensation (also referred to as tool tip or tool center point(TCP)) on all tool types is the point at which the longitudinal axis of the tool penetrates thesurface.A new tool with different dimensions may be programmed only when the tool compensation isactivated for the first time (i.e. on transition from G40 to G41 or G42) or, if the compensationis already active, only when G41 or G42 are reprogrammed.In contrast to circumferential milling, therefore, there are no variable tool dimensions in oneblock.This restriction applies only to the tool shape (tool type, dimensions d, r and a).W5: 3D tool radius compensation - 840D sl only23.3 Face millingSpecial functions786 Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-2BP40-5BA2