Value below minimum switching position distanceFor path length-related switching signal output, the value may fall below the minimum switchingposition distance, e.g. due to:● Increase in feed rate● Decrease in programmable switching position distance s1 and s2The following reactions take place if the value falls below the minimum:● Alarm 75501 "Channel %1 HSLC: CC_FASTON_CONT speed too high" is displayed.● The switching signal at the current switching position is omitted. To maintain the machiningrhythm, the function also suppresses the switching signal at the following switching position.The position of all the following switching positions is not affected by this. In the furthercourse of the path, one can witness alternating output and suppression of two switchingsignals following each other.20.2.5 Approaching switching positionIf in block-related switching signal output a switching position is not reached exactly, e.g. incontinuous-path mode and travel in more than one geometry axis, then switching takes placeat the instant at which the positional difference between the actual position of the geometryaxes involved and the programmed switching position increases again.1**);6ZLWFKLQJSRVLWLRQ 6ZLWFKLQJSRVLWLRQ7UDYHUVLQJGLUHFWLRQ$FWXDO 3URJUDPPHGFigure 20-2 Switching position offset in path control modeTE8: Cycle-independent path-synchronous switching signal output - 840D sl only20.2 Functional descriptionSpecial functions734 Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-2BP40-5BA2