Commissioning9.5 Acceptance test05.089-413© Siemens AG 2008 All Rights ReservedSINUMERIK 840D sl/SINAMICS S120 SINUMERIK Safety Integrated (FBSI sl) – 05.2008 EditionNoteThe acceptance test should also be carried out for the PROFIsafe I/O.Information regarding carrying out the acceptance test Some of the standard NC monitoring functions, such as zero speed monitoring,software limit switches, etc. must be de–activated (monitoring limits must bemade less sensitive) before the acceptance test is carried out.The function sequences can be acquired and listed using the servo trace func-tion or using the D/A converter output. After the SPL has been commissioned the access authorization for the NCK–SPL (SAFE.SPF) via the HMI interface must be reduced to the manufacturer orservice level and documented in the acceptance report. Please refer to the information in Chapter 9.2, ”Procedure when commissioningfor the first time”. The acceptance report comprises checking the alarm displays and including thealarm reports in the overall acceptance report. In order to obtain reproducibleand comparable alarm displays, during the acceptance test, MD 10094:$MN_SAFE_ALARM_SUPPRESS_LEVEL must be set to 0 in order to avoidsuppressing alarm outputs. For SINUMERIK 840D sl, to document a test stop that has been carried out, itis sufficient to just log the test stop alarms of the NCK (27002); it is not abso-lutely necessary to log the test stop alarms of the SINAMICS S120 (C01798).SINAMICS firmware versionsFor SINUMERIK software releases 1.3 and 1.4/2.4, different firmware versions ofthe components involved in the safety functions (NCU, NX, Motor Modules, SensorModules, DRIVE–CLiQ motors) may be mixed without having to adapt the firm-ware versions.From SINUMERIK software release 1.5/2.5 onwards, the following applies:The firmware versions of the Motor Modules, Sensor Modules and DRIVE–CLiQmotors involved in the safety functions (these include integrated Sensor Modules)must be adapted to the SINAMICS firmware version of the NCU. This is performedautomatically during startup if parameter p9826 (firmware, automatic) is set to 1(default setting). When Safety Integrated is used, parameter p9826 (firmware,automatic) must be set to 1 – and must not be re–parameterized. During theacceptance test for Safety Integrated, the safety firmware versions of all MotorModules, Sensors Modules and DRIVE–CLiQ motors involved in the safety func-tions should be read out, logged and checked against the following list. line in the table represents a permissible combination of safety firmware ver-sions.