Data Description8.2 Parameters for SINAMICS S12005.088-333© Siemens AG 2008 All Rights ReservedSINUMERIK 840D sl/SINAMICS S120 SINUMERIK Safety Integrated (FBSI sl) – 05.2008 Editionp9560 SI motion pulse cancelation shutdown speed (Control Unit)Sets the shutdown speed for pulse cancellation. ”Standstill” (zero speed) isassumed below this speed and for STOP B, the pulses are cancelled (as aresult of a transition to STOP A).Checksum:YesProtection level:3Unit:mm/min,RPMDefault value:0Minimum value:0Maximum value:6000Data type:Floating pointEffective:POWER ONSTOP B causes the drive to brake along the OFF3 ramp. Stop response STOP Ais initiated after the time parameterized in p9556 has expired or after the speedthreshold parameterized in p9560 has been fallen below.p9561 SI motion SLS (SG) stop response (Control Unit)Sets the stop response for the ”safely limited speed” function (SLS).This setting applies to all SLS limit values.An input value of less than 5 signifies protection for personnel, from 10 andonwards, machine protection.0: STOP A1: STOP B2: STOP C3: STOP D4: STOP E5: Set the stop response using p9563 (SG–specific)10: STOP A with delayed pulse cancellation when the bus fails11: STOP B with delayed pulse cancellation when the bus fails12: STOP C with delayed pulse cancellation when the bus fails13: STOP D with delayed pulse cancellation when the bus fails14: STOP E with delayed pulse cancellation when the bus failsChecksum:YesProtection level:4Unit:–Default value:5Minimum value:0Maximum value:14Data type:Integer16Effective:POWER ONSee also: p9531, p9563p9562 SI motion SLP (SE) stop response (Control Unit)Sets the stop response for the ”safely limited position” function (SLP).2: STOP C3: STOP D4: STOP EChecksum:YesProtection level:4Unit:–Default value:2Minimum value:2Maximum value:4Data type:Integer16Effective:POWER ONSee also: p9536, p9537