Data Description8.2 Parameters for SINAMICS S12005.088-315© Siemens AG 2008 All Rights ReservedSINUMERIK 840D sl/SINAMICS S120 SINUMERIK Safety Integrated (FBSI sl) – 05.2008 EditionTable 8-2 Parameters for SINAMICS S120NameNo.NameNo.p9538 SI motion SCA (SN) cam track assignment (ControlUnit)36938 $MA_SAFE_CAM_TRACK_ASSIGNp9540 SI motion SCA (SN) tolerance (Control Unit) 36940 $MA_SAFE_CAM_TOLp9542 SI motion actual value comparison tolerance(crosswise) (Control Unit)36942 $MA_SAFE_POS_TOLp9544 SI motion actual value comparison tolerance (refer-encing) (CU)36944 $MA_SAFE_REFP_POS_TOLp9546 SI motion SSM (SGA n < nx) speed limit n_x (CU) 36946 $MA_SAFE_VELO_Xp9548 SI motion SBR actual speed tolerance (ControlUnit)36948 $MA_SAFE_STOP_VELO_TOLp9549 SI motion slip speed tolerance (Control Unit) 36949 $MA_SAFE_SLIP_VELO_TOLp9550 SI motion SGE changeover tolerance time (ControlUnit)36950 $MA_SAFE_MODE_SWITCH_TIMEp9551 SI motion SGE changeover delay time (ControlUnit)36951 $MA_SAFE_VELO_SWITCH_DELAYp9552 SI motion transition time STOP C to SOS (SBH)(Control Unit)36952 $MA_SAFE_STOP_SWITCH_TIME_Cp9553 SI motion transition time STOP D to SOS (SBH)(Control Unit)36953 $MA_SAFE_STOP_SWITCH_TIME_Dp9554 SI motion transition time STOP E to SOS (SBH)(Control Unit)36954 $MA_SAFE_STOP_SWITCH_TIME_Ep9555 SI motion transition time STOP F to STOP B (Con-trol Unit)36955 $MA_SAFE_STOP_SWITCH_TIME_Fp9556 SI motion pulse cancelation delay time (ControlUnit)36956 $MA_SAFE_PULSE_DISABLE_DELAYp9557 SI motion pulse cancelation checking time (ControlUnit)36957 $MA_SAFE_PULSE_DIS_CHECK_TIMEp9558 SI motion acceptance test time limit (Control Unit) 36958 $MA_SAFE_ACCEPTANCE_TST_TIMEOUTp9560 SI motion pulse cancelation shutdown speed (Con-trol Unit)36960 $MA_SAFE_STANDSTILL_VELO_TOLp9561 SI motion SLS (SG) stop response (Control Unit) 36961 $MA_SAFE_VELO_STOP_MODEp9562 SI motion SLP (SE) stop response (Control Unit) 36962 $MA_SAFE_POS_STOP_MODEp9563 SI motion SLS (SG)–specific stop response (Con-trol Unit)36963 $MA_SAFE_VELO_STOP_REACTION[n]p9570 SI motion acceptance test mode (Control Unit) Corresponds to BTSS variables for NCKp9571 SI motion acceptance test status (Control Unit) Corresponds to BTSS variables for NCKp9590 SI motion version safe motion monitoring (ControlUnit)Parameters for basic safety functions integrated in the drivep9601 SI enable functions integrated in the drive (ControlUnit)p9602 SI enable safe brake control (Control Unit)p9620 BI: SI signal source for STO (SH)/SBC/SS1 (Con-trol Unit)p9650 SI SGE changeover tolerance time (Control Unit)p9652 SI Safe Stop 1 delay time (Control Unit)p9658 SI transition time STOP F to STOP A (Control Unit)p9659 SI forced checking procedure, timer