1-137 Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reservedSINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D Diagnostics Guide (DA) – 11.02 Edition11.02 1 AlarmsRemedy: Press the NC Stop key and select the function "Correction block" with the soft key PRO-GRAM CORRECT. The correction pointer positions on the incorrect block. In predefinedprocedures and functions either remove the following parameters or transfer any preced-ing axis parameters. In user-defined procedures and functions, parameter transfer mustbe programmed in accordance with the instructions given in the machine manufacturer'sprogramming guide.Program Continuation: Clear alarm with NC START or RESET key and continue the program.12360 Channel %1 block %2 dimension of parameter %3 incorrectParameters: %1 = Channel number%2 = Block number, label%3 = Source stringDefinitions: The following possibilities of error must be checked:• The current parameter is an array, but the formal parameter is a variable• The current parameter is a variable, but the formal parameter is an array• The current and formal parameters are arrays, but not with the dimensions to bedefined.Reactions: - Alarm display.- Interface signals are set.- Correction blockRemedy: Press the NC Stop key and select the function "Correction block" with the soft key PRO-GRAM CORRECT. The correction pointer positions on the incorrect block. Correct the NCpart program in accordance with the cause of error as listed above.Program Continuation: Clear alarm with NC START or RESET key and continue the program.12370 Channel %1 block %2 range of values %3 not permissibleParameters: %1 = Channel number%2 = Block number, label%3 = Source stringDefinitions: A variable has been initialized with a value range outside an initialization block. The defi-nition of program-global variables is allowed only in special initialization blocks. Thesevariables can be initialized with a value range.Reactions: - Alarm display.- Interface signals are set.- Correction blockRemedy: Press the NC Stop key and select the function "Correction block" with the soft key PRO-GRAM CORRECT. The correction pointer positions on the incorrect block.Remove the value range specification (begins with the keyword OF) or define the variableas a global variable in the initialization block and initialize it with a value range.Program Continuation: Clear alarm with NC START or RESET key and continue the program.12380 Channel %1 block %2 maximum memory capacity reachedParameters: %1 = Channel number%2 = Block number, labelDefinitions: The data definitions in this block cannot be processed because the maximum availablememory for creating the data has been filled, or because the data block cannot accommo-date any further data.The alarm can also occur if several subroutine calls are executed in sequence and noblock with an effect on the machine is generated (motion, dwell, M function).