3-1SIMATIC Field PG P4 ManualA5E00180080-04Configuring And Operating The SIMATICField PG P4What Does This Chapter Contain?The chapter below describes all tasks required to successfully set up yourworkplace. These include:• initial steps for commissioning your SIMATIC Field PG P4,• working with battery operation and replacing the battery,• connecting peripheral devices,• working with memory submodules for the PLC and• connecting your PG to other devices.Chapter OverviewSection Description Page3.1 Unpacking and Setting Up the SIMATIC Field PG P4 3-23.2 Connection to the Power Supply 3-43.3 Battery Operation 3-53.4 Commissioning 3-83.5 Panel “Field PG” 3-113.6 Connecting Peripheral Devices 3-123.7 Working with SIMATIC-S5 memory submodules 3-163.8 Working with SIMATIC Memory Cards 3-173.9 Working with Micro Memory Cards 3-183.10 Working with PC Cards 3-193.11 Connecting the Field PG P4 to a SIMATIC S5 Network 3-203.12 Connecting the Field PG P4 to a SIMATIC S7 Network (MPI/DP)3-213.13 Networking the Field PG P4 with Other Stations on PROFI-BUS3-233.14 Ethernet (RJ45 Ethernet Interface) 3-24! WarningWhen connecting long signal lines (especially for plant-wide connections), makesure that the signal lines are connected to the local equipotential grounding system(cable shield connected to protective conductor).3