GlossaryGlossary-6 SIMATIC Field PG P4 ManualA5E00180080-04EthernetLocal network (bus structure) for text and data communication with a transfer rateof 10 Mbaud.Memory extensions can be installed in the programming device to increase thewidth of the memory.FA complete, named collection of information, such as a program, a set of dataused by a program, or a user-created document. A file is the basic unit of storagethat enables a computer to distinguish one set of information from another.Formatting divides the memory area on a magnetic data medium into tracks andsectors. Formatting deletes all the data on a data medium. Every data mediummust be formatted before it is used for the first time.Function keys can be divided into two different types; the normal function keyswhich are assigned a particular function of the computer (for example, delete key),and programmable function keys (softkeys).Extended MemoryFileFormattingFunction Keys