Reinstallation of the Software8-2 SIMATIC Field PG P4 ManualA5E00180080-048.1 Cause / RemedyIn case of software errors reinstall your software using the Recovery CD, theBackup PG DVD and the Restore CD.Recovery CD: contains the tools for installing the hard disk and theoperating systems.Backup PG DVD: contains the documentation, the SIMATIC Software and thehardware drivers.Restore CD: contains an hard disk Image file with the original deliverysoftware (Operating system with installed hardware drivers).You can boot from the Restore CD and Recovery CD by pressing the ESC keywhen the BIOS message “Press to enter Setup” is displayed.To restore all directories and files that were copied to your hard disk at the first setup proceed as follows:1. Verify whether you can save your authorization or License Key to the hard diskand proceed as described below.2. If it is not possible to save your authorization or License Key please contact thecustomer support hotline (see Getting Started). They will provide you with theinformation necessary for your transferring your authorization or License Key.Then proceed as described in Section 8.2.Saving Authorization or License Key on DiskettesPlease proceed as follows:• Insert the License Key Disk in drive A:• Click Start on the Windows task bar and• Select Simatic > License Management > Automation License Manager toopen the Automation License Manager which will help you to save allauthorizations or License Keys on your License Key Disk.