MC55_ATC_V04.00Page 369 of 4753/17/06Confidential / Released178READ RECORD192GET RESPONSE214UPDATE BINARY220UPDATE RECORD242STATUSIdentifier for an elementary data file on SIM, if used by.Parameter to be passed on by the MC55 to the SIM.0...255Parameter to be passed on by the MC55 to the SIM.0...255Parameter to be passed on by the MC55 to the SIM.0...255Information which shall be written to the SIM (hexadecimal character format).Status information from the SIM about the execution of the actual command. It is returned in both cases, on suc-cessful or failed execution of the command.0...255Status information from the SIM about the execution of the actual command. It is returned in both cases, on suc-cessful or failed execution of the command.0...255Response data in case of a successful completion of the previously issued command."STATUS" and "GET RESPONSE" commands return data, which gives information about the currently selectedelementary data field. This information includes the type of file and its size.After "READ BINARY" or "READ RECORD" commands the requested data will be empty after "UPDATE BINARY" or "UPDATE RECORD" commands.(num)(num)(num)(num)(str)(num)(num)(str)