MC55_ATC_V04.00 Page 347 of 475 3/17/06Confidential / Released13.10 AT+CNMA New Message Acknowledgement to ME/TE, onlyphase 2+The write / execute command confirms successful receipt of a new message (SMS-DELIVER or SMS-STATUS-REPORT) routed directly to the TE. TA shall not send another +CMT or +CDS result code to TE until previousone is acknowledged. If ME does not receive acknowledgement within required time (network time-out), MEsends RP-ERROR to the network. TA shall automatically disable routing to TE by setting both and values of AT+CNMI to zero.SyntaxParameter DescriptionParameter required only for PDU mode.0 Command operates similarly as in text mode.Notes• The execute / write command shall only be used when AT+CSMS parameter equals 1 (= phase2+).• The execute command can be used no matter whether text mode or PDU mode is activated. The write com-mand is designed for the PDU mode only.• If multiplex mode is activated (AT+CMUX=0) the AT+CNMI parameter will be set to zero on all channels, if onechannel fails to acknowledge an incoming message within the required time.Test CommandAT+CNMA=?Response(s)+CNMA: (list of supported s)OKExec CommandAT+CNMAResponse(s)OKERROR+CMS ERRORWrite CommandAT+CNMA=Response(s)OKERROR+CMS ERRORReference(s) PIN ASC0 ASC1 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Charge LastGSM 07.05 % % % % % % ! ! !(num)