Terms & Conditions/Warranty 285Late PaymentCharges Te Terms &Conditions/ 25 Late PaymentCharges Te 25 Sprint PCSWireless Web TeTerms & Conditions/Warrantyfees and expenses, the fees of any collection agency and courtcosts. If we act as an invoicing agent for a third-party serviceprovider, payments received are first applied to amounts dueand owing to us and any remaining amounts are applied tosums due and owing to the third-party service provider. Wemay charge an additional fee for any check or othernegotiable instrument endorsed by you and returned unpaidby a financial institution for any reason.Late Payment ChargesPayment is past due if we do not receive it by the due dateshown on your invoice. Any payment for Services andequipment not made when due accrues late charges until paidat the rate of 1.5% per month or at the highest rate allowed bylaw. Late charges are prorated daily for each day that paymentis past due, but are not compounded monthly. Acceptance oflate or partial payments (even if marked "paid in full") doesnot waive our right to collect all amounts that you owe us.Disputed ChargesYou must raise any dispute that you have about any chargesinvoiced to you within 15 days of the date of the invoice or youhave accepted the invoice. You may notify us of any dispute bycalling Sprint PCS Customer Care. Calls to our sales or generalbusiness offices are not notice of a dispute. You do not have topay any properly disputed amounts while we investigate them;however, you must pay amounts not in dispute by the due date.If disputed invoice procedures are described on the invoice,you must follow them.Termination. Non-Term Service Plan.If you are on a Non-Term Service Plan you may terminateServices at any time by giving us notice. We may terminate