Section 11126 Address BookThe Address Book allows you to save names, addresses, phonenumbers, e-mail addresses, and other information about yourpersonal or business contacts.You can store thousands of entries in the Address Book. Spaceis limited only by the amount of available memory on theSprint PCS Phone™. (To view how much memory you haveavailable, see "Checking Memory Usage" on page 246.) Youcan use the Address Book to: Make a phone call. Enter up to five phone numbers, or e-mail addresses foreach contact. You can select which of these numbers isdisplayed in the Address Book. Attach a note to an Address Book entry. Assign categories to the Address Book entries. This allowsyou to quickly view or sort the entries. Define the contacts to include in the Speed Dial and VoiceDial list.Creating an Address Book EntryAn Address Book entry is the name, address, and phoneinformation you are keeping for a person or business. You cancreate these entries on your phone, or you can use the PalmDesktop software to create entries on your computer. Theseentries can then be downloaded into to your phone during aHotSync operation. Palm Desktop software also has dataimport capabilities that allows you load database files into theAddress Book. See "Importing Data" on page 54 and PalmDesktop online Help for more information.