![Samsung OFFICESERV 7100 Service Manual Manual pdf 163 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/5570902/54d75b21efa66cce0d7b619c9f4fe73e163f.jpg)
OfficeServ 7100 Service Manual© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 4-72) Then, the list of files included in the SMC is displayed. When the list is displayed, ifmoving the cursor on the corresponding item and pressing the [ENTER] key, thewindow is switched to the window of the corresponding item.To move to the initial window, enter [P] and press the [ENTER] key. Deleting the FileThis function is to delete a specific file in the SMC.1) Enter [1] on the initial window and press the [ENTER] key, and then the following[Copy Menu] window appears. Enter [3] and press the [ENTER] key.Figure 4.6 [Copy Menu] Window2) If the following window appears, enter the name of the file to be deleted(For example,‘STARTUP.SYS’) and press the [ENTER] key.Enter the Smart Media Path ((ex) temp\dsc): SKIPEnter the Smart Media file name ((ex)young.txt): STARTUP.SYS4.1.2.5 Analyzing the SMCIf the necessary program has been saved in the SMC, press the [E] key to exit the SM_NEWprogram.If the system operates by using the SMC where ‘startup.sys’ is not installed, the SM LEDkeeps blinking.The SMC to be used should include ‘startup.sys’ and the main program(MP10/11 PGM).When to upgrade the PBA program in MMC 818, save the file to be upgraded in the SMCand insert it to the MP10/11. Then, upgrade the program in the target PBA by using theMMC 818.