OfficeServ 7100 Service Manual© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 3-493.4.9.4 When the Call Is Not Connected between the IP Telephone and theDigital TelephoneIf the call is not connected between the IP telephone and the digital telephone(call betweenthe local IP telephone and the local digital telephone, call between the local IPtelephone/digital telephone and the remote IP telephone/digital telephone are not connected)when all the boards mounted on the OfficeServ 7100 system operate normally, and all theconnected terminals operate normally, check the status of the MGI64/MGI16 board or takemeasures as follows:Do DSP, RTPT, RTPRLEDs blink?NoYesIs the RTPT LED turned on?NoAre there identicalIPs when checking the IP inMMC 831, 840 of eachsystem?NoYesYesCheck the setting status of MMC 724,615 of each system.(See the programming description.)- Check if the IP/MAC of the local IPtelephone is redundant.- Check if the remote MGI IP/MAC isredundant.Perform the PING test for thecorresponding IP telephone and the IPwhich corresponds to MGI64 MP40 andcheck them.(However, perform the testafter removing the ARP table.)Press the MGI64 reset switch andcheck the board status.EndReplace the board if the status is thesame when attempting again afterchanging the IP.