2424 Organize a template by inserting text, video, photo, or PDF files as desired.CreateSelect the position and background.Use background imagePreviewPreviousNextCancel- To load a file or manually enter text, select Input Text.MessageMessageMessageScrollAlignmentColorNoneNoneCenterWhiteOK CancelReturn• Message: Select a message input mode.- None: Select this mode if you do not want to input a message.- From File: Select a .txt file.- User Input: Input a message using the virtual keyboard. A message can be up to 27characters long.• Scroll: Select a message scroll direction.- None / Left to Right / Right to Left / Up to Bottom / Bottom to Up• Alignment: Select a message alignment mode.- Left / Center / Right• Color: Select a message text color.- White / Black / Red / Orange / Yellow / Light Green / Green / Cyan Blue / Blue / LightBlue / Flesh / Violet / Magenta / Dark Cool Brown / Light Gray / Dark Gray