MAINTENANCEMaintenance80 EnglishPeriodic maintenanceFor proper operation, check and record the following list periodically. Recommended values are normal operationrange. Operation time is 3650 hours/year.f Common itemsNamePeriodic maintenance Preventive maintenanceChecklist Check standard CheckperiodPreventivedescriptionPreventiveperiodCompressorInsulationresistance Over 1 MΩ Everyyear Exchange 20,000 hoursOperatingcurrent Within standard value EverymonthFan Exterior No crack and noise Everyyear Exchange 10 yearsFan motorInsulationresistance Over 1 MΩ Everyyear Exchange 20,000 hoursOperatingcurrent Within standard value EverymonthAir side heatexchanger Exterior Not blocked EveryyearExchange orrepair 5 yearsWater side heatexchangerWatermaintenancestandardWithin standard value (Refer to page64.)EveryyearChemicalcleaning, etc. 5 yearsElectronicexpansion valveCheckoperation No malfunction and deformation Everyyear Exchange 20,000 hoursHigh pressureswitchCheckoperation Operate in set value Everyyear Exchange 25,000 hoursElectronic valveInsulation Over 1 MΩ Everyyear Exchange 20,000 hoursCheckoperation No malfunction EverymonthElectric switch Visual check No malfunction and deformation Everyyear Exchange 25,000 hoursPCBVisual check No dust Everyyear Cleaning25,000 hoursCheckoperation No malfunction ExchangeNo loosen terminal FasteningInverter Visual check No expansion, discoloration, andleakage of condenserEveryyear Exchange 25,000 hoursThermistorResistancevalue Should be rated resistance value Everyyear Exchange orrepair 5 yearsVisual check No deformation