2–Managing FabricsTransparent Router59266-01 B 2-13After you click OK in the TR Mapping Manager dialog box, the IFZs are createdand saved to the switch. If there is an active zone set with TR mappings, the oldIFZs are deleted and replaced with the new IFZs, and then the active zone set isre-activated. If there is no active zone set, a zone set named TR_MAPPING_SET”(default name) is created, the new IFZs are added to the zone set, and then thezone set is activated. If there are no TR mappings, the old IFZs are deleted fromthe active zone set, and then the active zone set is re-activated. If there are nozones and no IFZs in the active set, the active zone set is deactivated.Removing an Inter-Fabric RouteTo remove an inter-fabric route:1. On the faceplate display on the Fabric menu, click TR Mapping Manager.2. In the TR Mapping Manager dialog box (Figure 2-4), select a TR mappingmember from the TR Mapping list, and then click Remove, or on the Editmenu, click Remove.A warning dialog box prompts you to confirm the removal of the selectedmapping members.3. Click OK to confirm the removal of the selected TR mapping member.Add TR Mapping Dialog BoxThe Add TR Mapping dialog box (Figure 2-5) enables you to map a newinter-fabric zone. The Add TR Mapping dialog box displays the selectable localdevices, remote devices, and TR-configured ports that can be mapped to theinter-fabric zone. The Add TR Mapping dialog box appears after you click Add, oron the Edit menu, click Add in the TR Mapping Manager dialog box.Select a local device from the 1 Select a Local Device column to display theselectable remote devices in the 2 Select a Remote Device column. Afterselecting a remote device, the selectable TR ports appear in the 3 Select a TRPort column.NOTE:You can map a remote device through multiple TR ports, as long as each ofthose TR ports are on different switches.