4–Managing Fabric ZoningMerging Fabrics and Zoning59266-01 B 4-13Zone Merge Failure RecoveryWhen a zone merge failure occurs, the conflict that caused the failure must beresolved. You can correct a failure due to a zone conflict by deactivating one ofthe active zone sets or by editing the conflicting zones so that their membership isthe same. You can deactivate the active zone set on one fabric if the active zoneset on the other fabric accurately defines your zoning needs. If not, you must editthe zone memberships, and reactivate the zone sets. After correcting the zonemembership, reset the isolated ports to allow the fabrics to join.For more information about adding and removing zone members, see “ManagingZones” on page 4-17. For more information about resetting a port, see “Resettinga Port” on page 6-23.Resolving Active, Configured, and Merged Zone SetsThe Resolving Zoning options enable you to manage the active, configured, andmerged zone sets in the zoning database. To access the Resolving Zoning dialogbox options, on the faceplate display on the Zoning menu, click Resolve Zoning. Capture Active Zoning—capture Active Zoning option copies the active zoneset to the configured zone set. Restore Configured Zoning—restore Configured Zoning option reverts backto the previously saved configured zone set. Capture Merged Zoning—capture Merged Zoning option saves the mergedzone set into the configured zone set. View Merged/Configured Differences—view Merged/Configured Differencesoption opens a dialog box to display the Merged and Configured zone setsin split panes. Items in the Merged pane, but not in the Configured pane, areshown in red and are not persistent after a switch reset. Items in theConfigured pane but not in the Merged pane are shown in green and arepersistent after a switch reset. The bottom pane shows a summarydescription of the differences between the merged and configured zonesets.NOTE:If you deactivate the active zone set in one fabric and the Merge Auto Saveparameter is enabled, the active zone set from the second fabric propagatesto the first fabric and replaces all zones with matching names in theconfigured zone sets.