149PRECAUTIONS3. CHECKING THE ADJUSTMENTS1. Preparation for adjustments1 Connect the power supply as well as the input signal cables and ABL interlock cables (control cables).2 Arrange the connected cables neatly.3 After completing 1 and 2 above, turn power ON and leave the system for about an hour for aging.4 Prepare the signals required for the adjustments.2. Before adjustments (Setup of conditions) .............................................. P.801 Select the remote control adjustments or PC adjustments.2 Check the TV system setups.Check the convergence memory and white balance memory for use in the adjustments.3 Check the STATUS.Check the MULTI ON/OFF, COMBINATION ON/OFF, ABL interlock switch setup (one of 3 positions) and otherstatus.4 Store the current setups using the last memory function.3. ID assignment............................................................................................ P.831 Assign an ID to each MPJ by observing the caution and notes on page 83 to 87.4. Screen adjustments1 Adjust the size of each screen. ......................................................................................................................... P.922 Adjust the convergence of each screen. .......................................................................................................... P.963 Adjust the connection between screens. ....................................................................................................... P.1534 Adjust the W/B of each screen. ....................................................................................................................... P.1105 Adjust the ABL level. ....................................................................................................................................... P.1146 Adjust the colors using the image to be transmitted. .................................................................................. P.1157 Perform overall check by observing the entire image. ................................................................................. P.115ID=01 ID=02ID=03 ID=04