The PhotoViewer (DVR-640H-S/DVR-543H-S)1098En• Note that during copying, any timerprograms set to start will not begin, andno other operation is possible.• While ‘Cancel’ is displayed, you canpress ENTER to cancel.Editing files on the HDDThere are a number of commands you canuse to edit and organize your pictures storedon the HDD.Creating a new folder1 From the folder list, display themenu.2 Select ‘New Folder’.The folder appears at the bottom of the folderlist with the name F_number.• There can be up to 999 folders on theHDD.Erasing a file or folder1 Select the file(s) or folder(s)you want to erase.• To erase multiple folders, use the Multi-Mode; see Selecting multiple files orfolders on page 96.• Erasing a folder will erase all the filescontained in it. Please be careful!• You can’t erase files that have beenlocked.• Folders containing locked files can’t beerased. Unlocked files in the folder,however, will be erased.2 Select ‘File Options’ or ‘FolderOptions’.3 Select ‘Erase’ or ‘Erase Folder’.ENTERENTERPhotoViewer1/2 1/3001. 12/12 TUE002. 12/13 WED003. 12/14 THU004. 12/15 FRI005. 12/16 SAT006. 12/17 SUN007. 12/18 MON008. 12/19 TUE147258369Folder 12/13 WEDHDDUse [][] to select, then press [] toselect file. Press ENTER to display menu.File selectionStart SlideshowNew FolderFolder OptionsCopy to DVDMulti-ModeCancelENTERENTERPhotoViewer1/2 1/3001. 12/12 TUE002. 12/13 WED003. 12/14 THU004. 12/15 FRI005. 12/16 SAT006. 12/17 SUN007. 12/18 MON008. 12/19 TUE147258369FileDate/TimeChair No. 21/24/2006 10:00AM 1920 x 1440HDDSizePress ENTER to display the menu.Press RETURN to go back to folder selection.Start SlideshowFile OptionsPrintCopy to DVDMulti-ModeCancelENTERPhotoViewer1/2 1/3001. 12/12 TUE002. 12/13 WED003. 12/14 THU004. 12/15 FRI005. 12/16 SAT006. 12/17 SUN007. 12/18 MON008. 12/19 TUE147258369FileDate/TimeChair No. 21/24/2006 10:00AM 1920 x 1440HDDSizePress ENTER to display the menu.Press RETURN to go back to folder selection.Start SlideshowFile OptionsPrintCopy to DVDMulti-ModeCancelEraseCopyRename FileLockCancel