Editing0772EnErase SectionUsing this command you can delete a part ofa title, ideal for cutting out the commercialbreaks in a recording made from the TV.1 Highlight the title containingthe section you want to erase.2 Select ‘Edit’ > ‘Erase Section’from the command menu panel.3 HDD only: Select the type ofedit.• For more information about theseoptions, see Editing accuracy on page 68.4 Highlight ‘From’ then use theplayback controls (, , , , etc.) tofind the start of the section to erase, thenpress ENTER.The bar at the bottom of the screen indicatesthe current play position in the title. Afterpressing ENTER, a marker shows the start ofthe section.5 Highlight ‘To’ then, in thesame way, find the end of the section toerase, then press ENTER.After pressing ENTER, another markerindicates the end of the section, with thesection itself marked in red.6 Select ‘Yes’ to confirm, or ‘No’to cancel,.In the thumbnail viewer you can see a fewseconds of video either side of the markedsection to see how the edit will look.• When editing VR mode Original content,you may not be able to erase very shortsections (less than five seconds).HDD DVD (VR) DVD-RAMENTERENTER!Video Mode Compatible EditingFrame Accurate EditingDVD RECORDERPlease select the type of editing.Video Mode Compatible Editing isrecommended for compatibility withhigh-speed copying.Erase Section (HDD)Play PauseRec. time 2h00m10-112/03Sun 11:00PM 4ch SPExitFromTo00.00.09.15ENTERENTER