Editing0778En3 Input a name for the genre.• The name can be up to 12 characterslong.• For information on remote control keyshort cuts, see Using the remote keyshortcuts to input a name on page 70.4 Select ‘OK’ to enter the nameand exit.Multi-ModeMulti-Mode allows you to select severaltitles, then select a command that will beapplied to all of them. In this way you canselect multiple titles and then erase them allat once, for example.1 Select ‘Multi-Mode’ from thecommand menu panel.2 Select titles from the title list.Selected titles are marked with a .3 Select the command that youwant applied to all the marked titles.For example, select Erase to erase all themarked titles.Once the command is completed, Multi-Mode is automatically exited.ENTERInput Genre NameCAPSsmallOK Clear SpaceFree 1A B C D E F G H I J K L M . , ? !N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ( ) : ;A A A A A A Æ ç E E E E I I I I #2 3 ´ μ ¶ · 1 ¿ `D N O O O O O ø U U U U Y ß $ %0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 < = > _ &£ \ § ¨ © ¬ – ® _ ˚+ – / @ [ ¥ ] ˆ ÷ x ± { | } ~ ¡c a–o–<<<< 1/4 1/2 3/4¸ENTERHDDENTERDisc Navigator (HDD)4 TitlesRemainHDDSPAll Genres10Titles30h30mRecent first11/29 MON 7:00PM11/29Mon 7:00PM 2ch SP2h00m(1.0G)19871012/03 SUN 8:00PM12/03Sun 8:00PM 9ch SP2h00m(1.0G)12/02 SAT 10:00PM12/02Sat 10:00PM 7ch SP1h00m(1.0G)11/29 WED 7:00PM11/29Wed 7:00PM 2ch SP1h00m(1.0G)12/03 SUN 11:00PM12/03Sun 11:00PM 4ch SP2h00m(1.0G)MENUPlayEraseEditGenre NameMulti-ModeENTERENTERDisc Navigator (HDD)4 TitlesRemainAll Genres10Titles30h30mRecent firstHDDSP112/03 SUN 8:00PM12/03Sun 8:00PM 9ch SP2h00m(1.0G)12/02 SAT 10:00PM12/02Sat 10:00PM 7ch SP1h00m(1.0G)11/29 WED 7:00PM11/29Wed 7:00PM 2ch SP1h00m(1.0G)12/03 SUN 11:00PM12/03Sun 11:00PM 4ch SP2h00m(1.0G)98710Multi-ModeChange GenreLockUnlockSingle ModeCancelErase