The Disc Setup menu 12103EnChapter 12The Disc Setup menuFrom the Disc Setup menu you can namediscs, lock the contents to preventaccidental recording and erasure, initializeand finalize discs. The Disc Setup menu isaccessed from the Home menu:Basic settingsInput Disc NameWhen you initialize a disc for recording, therecorder automatically assigns a name forthe disc ranging from DISC 1 to DISC 99. Youcan use the Input Disc Name function tochange the default disc name to somethingmore descriptive. This name appears whenyou load the disc and when you display discinformation on-screen.1 Select ‘Disc Setup’ from theHome Menu.2 Select ‘Basic’ > ‘Input DiscName’ > ‘Next Screen’.3 Input a name for the disc.The disc name can be up to 64 characterslong for a VR mode disc, or 40 for a Videomode discs and DVD+R/+RW.• See Title Name on page 70 for more onnavigating the input screen.Lock Disc• Default setting: OffLocking the disc will prevent accidentalrecording, editing or erasing of the disc.Important• A locked disc can still be initialized(which will completely erase the disc).1 Select ‘Disc Setup’ from theHome Menu.2 Select ‘Basic’ > ‘Lock disc’ then‘On’ or ‘Off’.DVD (VR) DVD (Video) DVD+R DVD+RW DVD-RAMHOME MENUENTERBasicInitializeFinalizeOptimize HDDDisc SetupInput Disc NameLock DiscBasic Input Disc Name Next ScreenInput Disc NameENTERDVD (VR) DVD-RAMHOME MENUENTERBasicInitializeFinalizeOptimize HDDDisc SetupInput Disc NameLock DiscBasic OnOffLock Disc