Cleaning the lensUse a lens cleaning paper (used to cleancamera lenses or lenses of spectacles).When using solvent, use an alcohols solvent.Do not use a thinner or a glass cleaner.Refresh intervalImage refresh interval may become slowdepending on the network environment, PCperformance, shooting subject, access traf-fic, etc.SD memory card• When insert an SD memory card into theSD memory card slot, turn the power ofthe camera off. Otherwise, it may causemalfunction or damage data recorded onthe SD memory card.Refer to page 27 for descriptions of howto insert/remove an SD memory card.• When using an unformatted SD memorycard, format it using this camera.Recorded data on the SD memory cardwill be deleted when formatted.If using an unformatted SD memory cardor using an SD memory card formattedwith other device, the camera may notwork properly or performance deteriora-tion may be caused.Refer to the setup instructions (PDF) fordescriptions of how to format an SDmemory card.• It is recommended to use Panasonic’sSD memory cards (64 MB, 128 MB, 256MB, 512 MB, 1 GB, and 2 GB) since theyhave tested and confirmed full compati-bility with this camera.If another SD memory card is used, thecamera may not work properly or per-formance deterioration may be caused.10PrecautionsTo continue using with stable perform-anceParts of this product may deteriorate and itmay shorten the lifetime of this product whenusing in locations subject to high tempera-tures and high humidity.(Recommended ambient temperature: 35°Cor below)Do not expose the product to direct heatsuch as from a heater.Handle this product with care.Do not strike or shake, as this may damagethe product. It may cause a malfunction.About the PC monitorWhen displaying the same image on the CRTPC monitor for a long time, the CRT PC moni-tor may be damaged. It is recommended touse a screen-saver.When an error is detected, the camera willreboot automatically.This camera will reboot when detecting anerror caused by any reason. The camera willbe inoperable for around 30 seconds afterthe reboot just as when the power is turnedon.Cleaning the camera bodyTurn the power off when cleaning the cam-era.Otherwise, it may cause injury.Do not use strong abrasive detergent whencleaning the camera body.Otherwise, it may cause discoloration.When using a chemical cloth for cleaning,read the caution provided with the chemicalcloth product.When the dirt is hard to removeUse a mild detergent and wipe gently.Then, wipe the detergent completely off witha dry cloth.