50• Are the set IP addresses valid?• Is the LAN cable (category 5) is firmly connected to thenetwork connector on the rear of the camera?TroubleshootingBefore asking for repairs, check the symptoms with the following table.Contact your dealer if a problem cannot be solved even after checking and trying the solution or if the problem is notdescribed below.• Is the same IP address provided to other devices?Are there contradictions between the address and thenetwork subnet to be accessed?same subnet>Are the IP addresses of the camera and the PC set ina common subnet?Or is "Use Proxy Server" for thesettings of the browser checked?When accessing the camera in the same subnet, it isrecommended to enter the address of the camera inthe "Don’t Use Proxy For These Addresses" box.different subnet>Is the IP address of the default gateway set for thecamera correct?• Are you accessing the wrong IP address?Check the connection as follows:With the Windows command prompt,> ping "IP address set for the camera"When the WV-NP244 replies, the camera is function-ing normally.If not, restart the WV-NP244 and proceed as follows(1) Change the IP address by using the "Panasonic IPsetting" software.(2) Initialize the camera by pressing the [INITIAL SET]button on the rear of the camera. The IP addresswill return to the default setting "".• Is the link LED right by the network connector lit?When it is not lit, connection to a LAN may not beestablished or a network may be not working correctly.Check if the cables have any contact failure or if thewiring is correct or not.ReferencepagesCause/solutionOperatinginstructionsSymptomCannot access from thebrowser.Operatinginstructions3947–