4Monitor Images on a PCThe following are descriptions of how to monitor images from the camera on a PC.Monitor images from a single cameraNotes:• When "ON" is selected for "User Authentication", theauthentication window will be displayed before dis-playing live images for the user name and passwordentries. The default user name and password are asfollows.User Name: adminPassword: 12345To enhance the security, change the password forthe user "admin". It is recommended to change thispassword periodically.• When "Unicast" is selected for "Transmission type"(☞ page 23), up to 8 users can access the cameraconcurrently. Depending on the set values for "Totalbit rate" and "Max bit rate (per 1 client)", the maxi-mum concurrent access number may be less than 8users. When 8 users have been concurrentlyaccessing already, the access limit message will bedisplayed for users who accessed subsequently.• When "ON" is selected for "MPEG-4 transmission"(☞ page 23), MPEG-4 image will be displayed.When "OFF" is select, JPEG image will be dis-played. It is possible to display JPEG image evenwhen "ON" is selected for "MPEG-4 transmission".In this case, the refresh interval will be limited.When "ON" is selected for "MPEG-4 transmission"JPEG (VGA): 5 fpsJPEG (QVGA): 10 fpsWhen "OFF" is selected for "MPEG-4 transmission"JPEG (VGA or QVGA): 30 fpsThe refresh interval may be longer depending on anetwork environment, PC spec, photographic sub-ject, access traffic, etc.Important:When displaying multiple MPEG-4 images on a PC,images may not be displayed depending on the per-formance of the PC.Refer to the next page for further information about the"Live" page.Step 1Start up the web browser.Step 2Enter the IP address designated using the Panasonic IPsetup software in the address box of the browser.(Example:• When the HTTP port number is changed from "80",enter "http://IP address of the camera + : (colon) +port number" in the address box of the browser, forexample "".• Configure the web browser to not use the proxyserver.Step 3Press the [Enter] key on the keyboard.→ Click this button to display the "Live" page.