46 IPv6 network[Manual]Select "On" or "Off" to determine whether or not to man-ually extract IPv6 prefix information from an IPv6 com-patible router.On: Enter IPv6 address manually.Off: Manual entry of IPv6 address will become unavail-able.Default: Off[IP address(IPv6)]When "On" is selected for "Manual", it is necessary toenter IPv6 address manually.Enter an address that is not being used for the otherdevices. Common[DNS]Select "Auto" or "Manual" to determine whether or not touse the DNS. When "Manual" is selected, it is neces-sary to configure the settings for the DNS.When using the DHCP function, it is possible to obtainthe DNS address automatically by selecting "Auto".Refer to the network administrator for further informationabout the settings.Default: Manual[Primary server address], [Secondary serveraddress]When "Manual" is selected for "DNS", enter the IPaddress of the DNS. Refer to the network administratorabout the IP address of the DNS.[HTTP port]Assign the port numbers independently.The following port numbers are unavailable since theyare already in use.Available port number: 1 - 65 535Default: 8020, 21, 23, 25, 42, 53, 67, 68, 69, 110, 123, 161, 162,995, 10 669, 10 670[Line speed]Select the line speed for data transmission from the fol-lowing. It is recommended to use the default setting"Auto".Auto: Line speed will be applied automatically.100M-FULL: 100 Mbps full-duplex100M-HALF: 100 Mbps half-duplex10M-FULL: 10 Mbps full-duplex10M-HALF: 10 Mbps half-duplexDefault: Auto[FTP access to camera]Select "Allow" or "Forbid" to determine whether to allowor forbid the FTP access to camera.Default: Forbid[Bandwidth control(bit rate)]Select the total bit rate for data transmission from thefollowing.Unlimited/64 kbps/128 kbps/256 kbps/512 kbps/1024 kbps/2048 kbps/4096 kbpsDefault: UnlimitedNotes:• When selecting "64 kbps", select "Off" for "Audiomode" on the "Audio" tab. ( page 28)• Select "128 kbps" or a faster rate to carry out the livetransmission of JPEG images and the FTP periodicimage transmission simultaneously.• When "Bandwidth control(bit rate)" is set low, takinga picture using the one shot button may not functiondepending on the use environment.In this case, select "QVGA" for "Image capture size"of "JPEG" on the [JPEG/MPEG-4] tab ( page 20)or set "Image quality" of "JPEG" lower.
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