21 MPEG-4Click the [JPEG/MPEG-4] tab on the "Image/Audio" page. ( pages 4 and 5: How to display/operate the setupmenu)Configure the settings relating to MPEG-4 image such as "Max bit rate (per client)", "Image capture size", "Imagequality", etc. in this section. Refer to page 20 for further information about the settings relating to JPEG images.[MPEG-4 transmission]Select "On" or "Off" to determine whether or not totransmit MPEG-4 images.On: Transmits MPEG-4 images.Off: Does not transmit MPEG-4 images.Default: OnNote:When "On" is selected for "MPEG-4 transmission",displaying of MPEG-4 images or JPEG images willbe available. However, the transmission interval ofJPEG images may become longer than the set valuewhen displaying JPEG images.[Max bit rate (per client)*]Select a MPEG-4 bit rate per a client from the following.(Constant bit rate) 64 kbps/128 kbps */256 kbps */512 kbps */1 024 kbps */1 536 kbps */2 048 kbps */3 072 kbps */4 096 kbps */(frame rate priority)4 096 kbps */unlimited *Default: 2 048 kbps*Note:The MPEG-4 bit rate is synchronized with"Bandwidth control(bit rate)" on the [Network] tab of"Network" page ( page 46). For this reason, the bitrate may be lower than the value when any valuewith an asterisk (*) on the right is selected.[Image capture size]Select "QVGA" or "VGA" for the image capture size ofMPEG-4 images.Default: VGA[Image quality]Select the image quality of MPEG-4 images from thefollowing.Fine/Normal/LowDefault: NormalNote:This item is disabled when "(frame rate priority)4096 kbps *" or "unlimited *" is selected for "Max bitrate (per client)*".[Refresh interval]Select an interval (I-frame interval; 0.2 - 5 seconds) torefresh the displayed MPEG-4 images.If using under a network environment with frequent erroroccurrences, shorten the refresh interval for MPEG-4 todiminish image distortions. However, the refresh intervalmay be longer than the set value.0.2 sec/0.33 sec/0.5 sec/1 sec/2 sec/3 sec/4 sec/5 secDefault: 3 sec[Transmission type]Select a MPEG-4 transmission type from the following.Unicast port (AUTO): Up to 16 users can access a sin-gle camera concurrently. "Unicast port1 (Image)"and "Unicast port2 (Audio)" will automatically beselected when transmitting images and audio fromthe camera.