33About the Event FunctionThe event action will be performed when the following events occur.Terminal alarm: When a signal is supplied from an external device such as a door sensor to the ALARM ter-minal, this is stated as an event of a terminal alarm.Command alarm: A command alarm is sent from a PC via a network.Site alarm: An alarm using Panasonic Alarm Protocol is sent from a network camera.Action at an Event OccurrenceThe event action will be performed according to the settings when an event occurs.Note:When an event occurred and the corresponding camera’s compression method is "MPEG-4", event recordingmay start from a point several seconds after the event occurrence and the recording duration may be shortenedfor several seconds.Starts recordingRecording will be performed according to the settings such as recording duration, recording rate, etc. that were con-figured on the setup menu. (Refer to the setup instructions (PDF) for further information.)Depending on the settings, it is possible to start recording images before an event occurs (Pre-event recording).Displays alarm messageThe pop-up window that notifies of an event occurrence will be displayed at an event occurrence.Blinks the alarm indicatorThe alarm indicator on the front panel of the unit will start blinking at an event occurrence.Sounds the buzzerThe buzzer will start sounding for the set duration according to the settings configured on the setup menu. (Refer tothe setup instructions (PDF) for further information.)Moves a camera to the preset positionThe camera will move to the preset position registered in advance at an event occurrence.Refer to the operating instructions of the connected camera for the descriptions of how to register the preset posi-tion.Notifies of an event occurrence by sending e-mailsWhen an event occurs, this unit notifies of the event occurrence with the time and date of the event occurrence bysending e-mails (alarm mails) to the registered addresses. It is also possible to attach an image to the alarm mail.When an alarm occurred and the corresponding camera’s compression method is "MPEG-4", no image will beattached to the alarm mail. (It is impossible to attach an MPEG-4 image to the alarm mail.)Up to 4 addresses can be registered as recipients of the alarm mail.To send the alarm mail at an event occurrence, it is required to perform the settings on the setup menu in advance.(Refer to the setup instructions (PDF) for further information.)