88 Internal Timer RecordingThe internal timer recording begins when the reserved starttime comes, and continues until the reserved end time isreached.The reservations are made in the TIMER REC SETUP menu,and the TIMER parameter is set to INT in the WJ-HD500SETUP menu.As described before, the received video inputs can beassigned to four groups, and those groups are assigned tothe programmed timer.It enables the use of different recording modes for eachgroup (Time Lapse, Multi Shot or One Shot), depending onthe requirements for the surveillance environment. Power-on Time Lapse RecordingThe Disk Recorder can record images at the specific timeevery day, using the timer switch that controls the AC mainssupplied to the Disk Recorder.When the Disk Recorder is powered-on, the Time LapseRecording mode is activated, and records the data in themanual recording space.To use this function, set the TIMER parameter to EXT in theWJ-HD500 SETUP menu. Manual RecordingThe video signal supplied to the VIDEO IN connectors isrecorded in Time Lapse Recording mode with the parame-ters which were preset in the MANUAL REC SETUP menu:recording mode, field rate and image quality.The following procedure describes how to record manuallyin the selected mode.Note: When the TIMER parameter is set to something otherthan OFF in the WJ-HD500 SETUP menu, the DiskRecorder does not start recording even if the REC but-ton is pressed.1. Press the REC button to start recording.REC ✽✽% is displayed on the Multiscreen Monitor.(✽✽% indicates the remaining space of the Hard Disk.)2. To stop recording, press the REC STOP button.HDDManual RecorderManual RecorderGroup 1TimerRecorderGroup 2Group 3Group 4Emergency RecorderRECREC STOPDigital DiskRecorderWJ-HD 500TimerSwitch•••AC OutletFS16RECORDINGHDDTimer RecorderManual RecorderEmergency RecorderGroup 1TimerRecorderGroup 2Group 3Group 4HDDManual RecorderManual RecorderGroup 1TimerRecorderGroup 2Group 3Group 4Emergency Recorder