48 Hard Disk End SetupThis item lets you enable or disable uninterrupted recordingwhen the hard disk space is used up.1. Move the cursor to the HDD DISKEND parameter in theCOMMON SETUP menu by pressing the D or C but-ton.2. Select the desired mode by pressing the + or - but-ton.STOP: Stops recording when the disk is full.CONTINUE: Continues recording by overwriting theoldest data when the disk is full.ALM CONTINUE: Continues only recording the datawhile an alarm is activated by overwriting the oldestdata, when the disk is full.The factory default setting is STOP.Manual Recording SetupThe Disk Recorder can be recorded the images in TimeLapse recording when the REC button is pressed manually.Manual Recording is disabled when the TIMER in the setupmenu is set to something other than OFF.These settings are also valid for External Timer Recordingwhen the TIMER in the setup menu is set to EXT.These items let you determine the image quality and activemode for manual recording.1. Move the cursor to MANUAL in the WJ-HD500 SETUPmenu by pressing the D or C button.2. Pressing the + or - button will toggle the display onthe cursor as shown below.3. Pressing the SET button will call up the MANUAL RECSETUP menu according to the specified audio function,as shown below.4. To return to the previous WJ-HD500 SETUP menu,press the SETUP/ESC button. Manual Recording Mode Setting1. Move the cursor to the MANUAL REC MODE parameterin the MANUAL REC SETUP menu by pressing the D orC button.2. Select the recording time mode to be set by pressingthe + or - button.SF-✽✽H or SF-A*✽✽H: Selects the recording timemode in enhanced fine quality.FQ-✽✽H or FQ-A*✽✽H: Selects the recording timemode in fine quality.NQ-✽✽H or NQ-A*✽✽H: Selects the recording timemode in normal quality.EX-✽✽H or EX-A*✽✽H: Selects the recording timemode in extended quality.SP or SP-A*: Freely selectable→ MANUAL WITH AUDIO → MANUAL WITHOUT AUDIO →2 MANUAL REC SETUP(WITHOUT AUDIO)MANUAL REC MODE SF- 24HREC RATE 7.5FPSREC QUALITY SUPER FINEEVENT REC MODE SF- 24HREC RATE(MAX) 7.5FPSREC QUALITY SUPER FINEDURATION 10SDYNAMIC REC OFFREC RATE(BASE)TRIGGER ACTION SETUP