51SETUP menuSIGNALWAVEFORM MONITORMARKER SETTINGSRGB/MONO SETTINGSEXTENDED LIFE SETTINGSSCREENSAVERNETWORK SETUPINPUT LABELFUNCTION BUTTON SETTINGSON/OFF TIMER SETUPDAY/TIME SETUP3D SETTINGSThe RGB/MONO SETTINGS function is also enabled/disabled with the FUNCTION button on the remote control (seepage 63).RGBMODE SELECTONR ON/OFFONG ON/OFFONB ON/OFFRGB/MONO SETTINGSRGBMODE SELECTONR ON/OFFONG ON/OFFONB ON/OFFRGB/MONO SETTINGSRGBMODE SELECTONR ON/OFFONG ON/OFFONB ON/OFFRGB/MONO SETTINGS2 access1 select2 change1 select2 change1 selectRGB: Displays with one of red, green and blue signals cut.BLUE ONLY: Displays in solid blue.MONO: Only Y signal is used for black and white displays.PCFULLNANODRIFTR OFFNote:With MONO set, the color adjustment in the PICTURE menu is not available.When the setting of each item is enabled, the item being currently set to ‘Enable’ becomes disabled.RGB/MONO SETTINGSTurn off R, G, B signals to adjust the image.When the function is enabled, selected mode is displayed.1 Select mode by “MODE SELECT”.2 Con gure each mode setting.• R ON/OFF, G ON/OFF, B ON/OFFOFF ONON: The red (for “R ON/OFF”), green (for “G ON/OFF”) or blue (for “B ON/OFF”) signal is on.OFF: The red (for “R ON/OFF”), green (for “G ON/OFF”) or blue (for “B ON/OFF”) signal is cut.For BLUE ONLY modeBLUE ONLYMODE SELECTONBLUE ONLYRGB/MONO SETTINGS• BLUE ONLYOFF ONON: The BLUE ONLY mode is enabled.OFF: The BLUE ONLY mode is disabledFor MONO modeMONOMODE SELECTONMONORGB/MONO SETTINGS• MONOOFF ONON: The MONO mode is enabled.OFF: The MONO mode is disabledFor RGB mode