59SETUPSet up TIMER ' ? K QK'' + ]_ set. `$ Program 1, Every Monday, 12:00, Power On, Input: VIDEOSet up timerPresent time SUN 10 : 00ProgramTimer function On1DayPower modeTimeInputMONPower on12 : 00VIDEO1 select2 adjust1 Set the program number.2 : K + ? K'' +3 Set the day. G J J? G J J t.4 Set the power On/Off.5 Set the time. ^ + J J^}minutes.6 Set the input.Notes:$ ' Z"* +$ If more than one programs are set for the same time, only the program with the smallest program number is enabled.Control Settings ' + Setup 2/2Set up timerDay/Time settings60 secControl SettingsNetwork settingsUSB media player settingsFunction button settingsDisplay orientationOSD position Upper/RightLandscapeMenu display durationMenu transparency 201 Press to display the Setup menu.2 +Press the ENTER key to enter Control Settings.Serial control:Sets which terminal to use for input for serial communication.Options: SERIAL IN: SERIAL IN terminal!!"#!!"# Serial out:Sets which terminal to use for output for serial communication.Options: SERIAL OUT: SERIAL OUT terminal!!"#!!"# Control SettingsSerial controlSerial out Serial outSerial inIR control Buit-inIR out IR OUTSerial daisy chain position---Serial response(ID all)Serial ID groupSerial response(group)OffAOffNote: !!"# : ? ? ? ? K''{ J@+IR control:Sets which terminal to use for remote control signal output.Options: Built-in: built-in sensorIR-IN: IR IN terminal!!"#!!"#