SCREENSAVERSTARTMODE OFFPRESENT TIME OF DAY MON 0 : 021/2SIGNALINPUT LABELECO MODE SETTINGSWOBBLINGSET UPOFFCOMPONENT/RGB-IN SELECTRGBSCREENSAVERNO ACTIVITY POWER OFFDISABLEOSD LANGUAGE ENGLISH (US)30Do not display a still picture, especially in 4:3 mode, for any length of time.If the display must remain on, a SCREENSAVER should be used.When the screen saver is operating, the following 5 patterns are displayed full screen for 5 seconds each.BlackĺDark GrayĺGrayĺLight GrayĺWhite213Press to display the SET UP menu.Press to select the SCREENSAVER.Press to select the SCREENSAVER screen.MODE selectionSTART setting4 When the MODE is set to ON, press to select START.Press to start SCREENSAVER.The menu screen will disappear and the SCREENSAVER will be activated. To stop theSCREENSAVER under ON, press the R button or any buttons on the main unit.Note: When the display is turned off, the SCREENSAVER will be deactivated.Press to select theMODE.Press to select eachmode items.SCREENSAVER (For preventing image retention)OffINTERVAL : Operates when SHOW DURATION and SAVERDURATION are set up and those times arrive.TIME OF DAY : Operates when START TIME and FINISH TIMEare set up and those times arrive.STANDBY AFTER SCR SAVER : Operates while SCREENSAVER DURATION,and display enters standby mode.ON : Operates when START is selected and theACTION ( ) button is pressed.