6 7 8 91 3 4 5212SERIAL Terminals connectionNotes:• Use the RS-232C straight cable to connect the computerto the Display.• The computer shown is for example purposes only.• Additional equipment and cables shown are not suppliedwith this set.• When using daisy chain, set ”Serial Daisy Chain” in theOptions menu. (see page 43)• For daisy chain connection, use a straight cable connectedto pins numbered 2 through 8 .The SERIAL terminal conforms to the RS-232C interface speci¿cation, so that the Display can be controlled by acomputer which is connected to this terminal.The computer will require software which allows the sending and receiving of control data which satis¿es the conditionsgiven below. Use a computer application such as programming language software. Refer to the documentation forthe computer application for details.The SERIAL terminal is used when the Display is controlled by a computer.Pin layout for SERIAL TerminalCommunication parametersSignal level RS-232C compliantSynchronization method AsynchronousBaud rate 9600 bpsParity NoneCharacter length 8 bitsStop bit 1 bitFlow control -Signal names for SERIAL IN terminalPin No. Details2 R X D3 T X D4 DTR5 GND6 DSR78 (Shorted in this set)1 • 9 NCThese signal names are those of computer speci¿cations.Connections* * *(Female)(Female) (Female) (Female)In addition, a particular LCD Display can be controlled with a PC while several LCD Displays are daisy chained.COMPUTERCOMPUTER* RS-232C Straight cableD-sub 9pD-sub 9p(Male)(Female)RS-232C Straight cable(Female)First LCD Display(Male)Second LCD Display(Male)Third LCD Display(Male)