132Setting CheckersChapter 6If inspection mode = “Gray Range”Process description Process imageCreates rectangular areas (, which are calledcells) of any size within the inspection area andcalculates the brightness of each area (averagegray value).Groups the cells and calculates the maximumgrayscale difference in the brightness of thegrouped cell by shifting the grouped cell by thesetting value set for “the number of cells pershift”. If the calculated maximum grayscaledifference is more than the threshold, thegrouped cell is regarded as a candidate flaw.The number of grouped cellsThe cells are grouped according to the settingvalue for “Num. Of Cells for Calc. Range”. If thesetting value for “Num. Of Cells for Calc. Range”is “4”, four cells are grouped (see the figuresshown on the right).The number of (skipped) cells per shiftTo group the cells aligned from the start point tothe end point in the area, set a value for “Num. OfCells per Shift”.If the setting value for “the number of cells pershift” is “2”, the PV310 calculates the maximumgrayscale difference for each grouped cell byskipping two cells until it ends by finallycalculating the rest of the cells in the inspectionarea.ThresholdAs you increase the threshold value, the PV310regards the areas having larger difference inbrightness as a candidate flaw, whereas as youdecrease the threshold value, the PV310 regardseven an area having slight difference inbrightness as a candidate flaw.The PV310 judges whether the candidate flaw isregarded as a flaw based on the number of thecells in the candidate flaw or not. If the number ofcells in the candidate flaw is more than thenumber of cells that have been set as “FlawSize”, the PV310 judges the cells as a flaw.